Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Aargh! Winter temps?!!

Well, I've been a wuss and haven't ridden at all this week! It was soooo cold on Monday; I actually had to scrape ice off my car windshield. Black ice on the roads too! Sigh. I am so not ready for cold temps yet. This morning it was still in the low 30s but the high temps are creeping back up the rest of the week. I'm planning to ride tomorrow. It isn't like I haven't ridden in the cold before. It's just that I wasn't ready for it right now. I've got these fancy new hand guards for my bike too. Maybe hubby will put them on this weekend if he doesn't have to work. That would be very nice. I wonder where that really warm balaclava might be.....

I've got some new gloves to try out as well. Got them at my favorite motorcycle gear store - Motogear Outlet in Arvada. I guess, I'll be trying out my new boots as well since I haven't ridden in the cold with them yet.

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