Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Year in Review - Looking back on the Rebel

Well, 2010 may just be the year the Rebel goes to some new owner, if the plan plays out as originally created. Sigh. I'll miss that bike and I really hope it goes to some one who will appreciate it as much as I did. It's a great old bike. Those Hondas just keep on rolling. So, this seems like the appropriate time to reflect on all the good times.
The photo above is of the Rebel's speedometer and odometer on September 12, 2009. I bought the GS on September 11, 2009. I put about 15,000 miles on that bike in the 3 years that I rode it. That's pretty darn good! More than I thought I had but I'm not surprised. The commute alone is about 1,000 miles per month if I ride every day.

We didn't do any camping or overnight trips anywhere, although there was one time I left the bike were it was due to the weather. A couple more times I probably should have. We've seen Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park a couple of times, been as far south as Castle Rock and as far north as Loveland. Been as far east as that Colfax ride and as far west as the RMNP Alpine visitor's center. Been as high as 11,796 feet at that same visitor's center. Rode in the rain, and the lightning (!), fair weather and foul, dark of night and many sunny days too. Saw dirt, though only in a parking lot. Went two-up with my niece. Carried some large loads but nothing too heavy. Dropped it only twice , in the garage and the driveway, both times forgetting to put the sidestand down. Farkled it up with a windshield, hand guards, spotlights, hard side bags, and various other soft luggage bags. Changed the front and rear tires once each, the chain and sprocket once as well. I think I washed it once or twice. :-)

Looking back, I didn't really have very set goals for 2009. There were two posts but not much content to either. Some vague reference to the unfulfilled mountain pass goal, which remains unfulfilled I think. Technically we did go over a pass, just not a marked one. I was hoping to have a documented pass photo. I'm sure the GS will cover that one for me. And there was another vague reference to making a long trip, another unfulfilled goal that I plan to meet on the GS. So, I guess, 2009 was more about the ride than about the destination.

I enjoyed it for the most part. I do recall a lot of thinking about the GS and feeling as though I'd "out grown" the Rebel. But, also, at the same time, feeling as though the Rebel was the perfect bike for me in a lot of ways. It did everything I asked it to do. Never left me stranded. Didn't cost much to maintain. And, I really had fun riding it. The GS has taken that to a whole new level though. The riding style is more comfortable. It's brand new, which is fabulous. But, in general, I think it will meet all of the same requirements that the Rebel did, aside from being cheap to maintain of course. (I'll certainly miss that part!)

Here are a couple of shots from my last ride on the Rebel. This was a ride to an off site staff meeting up the canyon a bit from Boulder. For some reason I didn't even blog about it. Two weeks later, I bought the GS.

The road is calling and the Rebel is ready. In a couple of months, it may have it's own Craig's List ad out there. I'll link to it here when that happens.

Happy New Year! Keep the shiny side up!
